Checked C

An extension to C for making existing C code more secure

Checked C extends C with bounds checking and improved type-safety.  It helps programmers retrofit existing C code to be more secure.  It is:

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Checked C is an open-source project.  Most of our work happens on GitHub.    We have:

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You can download the Checked C compiler for Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu here.

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Next Steps For Checked C

In 2024,


In 2023, we made Checked C easier to use:

Checked C is an independent open-source project.   It started as a research project at Microsoft in 2015. We were looking for a way to improve the security of existing systems software and eliminate classes of bugs.  One approach is to rewrite the software in a newer language such as Rust.   However, rewriting code can be costly, technically challenging, and take a long time before you have working system.  The technical challenges can range from having to use a different approach to managing memory, such as Rust's ownership types, to subtle nuanced differences in basic language features such as arithmetic. A costly, technically challenging, and lengthy rewrites is a high-risk software endeavor for almost any project or company.  For these reasons, we think it is crucial for the security of modern systems to provide approach that let code be re-used and modified incrementally to be more secure.

Researchers from many universities and companies have contributed to Checked C, including researchers at Purdue University, the University of Maryland, the University of Rochester, the University of Washington, Samsung, Rutgers University, and the University of Pennsylvania   Apple has proposed and implemented a C extension similar to Checked C that uses more dynamic checking.